3 Tips for Curvy Plus Size Women to Value Themselves
Let’s talk about self value. It’s a conversation that couldn’t be overlooked. Curvy Fit Chicks have a mindset of positivity and take action daily that shows that value themselves. You see…before you can commit to the Curvy Fit Chicks lifestyle, you must first know that you are valuable and worthy of doing so. Someone who values themselves is going to treat themselves and others with respect and dignity. This is something you may know, but it’s worth repeating. I want you to continue to work like you know just how valuable you are. Here’s 3 ways to do so:
#1 Don’t Settle
A woman that truly values herself will continually be intentional about growing, stretching and evolving. This is paramount in the curvy fit lifestyle. There’s no need to settle and become complacent. This attitude and thought process is one that shows you value who you are. You know that you are worth putting in the effort to be your absolute best. How to do that?
Self reflect and assess where you are and decide where you want to be
Ask for help from the appropriate professionals such as myself, The Curvy Fit RN
Be confident in moving past any fears that may try to interfere
#2 Show Appreciation
Yes Girlll, show yourself some appreciation. Anything that is valued is appreciated. You are a unique individual purposed to be here and be visible. You are so valuable that the Creator put you here amongst all the billions already on Earth. Think about just how chosen you are and align your thoughts to know your worth. This is how you do that:
Be Disciplined in your Workouts (Highest form of self care and self appreciation)
Be Present
Be Trusting of your body
Be Grateful (Write down daily what you are thankful for)
#3 Don’t Compare Yourself
Hmm…Madame…There’s no reason to ever feel the need to compare yourself to another. You are a one of a kind as we previously discussed. When you waste time comparing, you will more than likely end up devaluing yourself. I want you to focus on what makes you special. Anytime your mind tries to venture in comparison mode, remind it that:
No one is you
You are a gem
You are a masterpiece that is evolving daily to your best
You are worthy
You are amazing
You are exactly where you are supposed to be. This is your curvy fit journey. It doesn’t need to look like anyone else’s. You have to believe that your path can be fulfilled by none other than you.
Focus on doing you well.
In closing, your self worth will show up in how well you are taking care of yourself and showing up in workouts and wellness. It is not difficult to see yourself as valuable or align your actions with your beliefs. It simply takes intention and focus. However, if you find yourself struggling to commit to your curvy fitness and health as a nonnegotiable, chat with me.