Become StrongHER:

Beat Your Fitness Goals

90-Day Fitness Accountability Group Coaching Program

Introducing Become StrongHER: Beat Your Fitness Goals

This is a 90-Day Fitness Accountability Group Coaching Program created by Trynette Lariba, RN, BSN, aka The Curvy Fit RN to help you to:

  1. Prioritize fitness in your life

  2. Develop consistency in your workouts

  3. Set realistic and achievable fitness goals

Trynette Lariba, The Curvy Fit RN, will align with you to help you stay accountable for working out and beating your fitness goals. Trynette will coach you and motivate you to stay consistent with your fitness goals and discuss safe practices, but YOU will plan your own workouts.

Why is StrongHER(stronger) so important to your workout goals?

To be successful in your fitness, you must be strong in mind and muscles. We encourage and incorporate strength training in your workout goals because it is highly beneficial. Strength training is important for you to:

  • Build your muscles

  • Accentuate your body’s natural curves

  • Develop stronger bones

  • Increase the longevity of your life

You have already started strengthening your mind by exercising the power of choice to become consistent in your workouts. Keep that same energy so you can cross out every fitness goal!

Ready to transform your life?


You: (Watching social media workout videos) Oooh wee… she’s strong! I can do that. I just gotta stay consistent in my workouts like she does. I’ve been doing too much talking about it. I’m going to do it. Give me a good 6 months to a year from now and they won’t be able to tell me nothing! I’m ready to do this!

Curvy woman on sidewalk stretching her body

You don’t want to just be strong, you want fitness to be a non-negotiable part of your life. You want it to be second nature like taking a shower or getting good sleep. You want it to be seamlessly woven into your being.

No worries… I got you!

Here's What You'll Get:

  1. Personalized Coaching: An initial assessment to ascertain where you are and what your fitness goals you will be working towards.

  2. Accountability Check-Ins: Zoom calls 2x/month that are 90mins on Thursdays at 8pm EST, weekly inspo, and supportive check-ins to keep you on track and motivated.

  3. Exclusive Community Access: Connect with other curvy women who share your goals and inspire each other. This allows you the opportunity to work on you, but never have to go at it alone.

  4. Expert Guidance: Learn from The Curvy Fit RN who has been a RN for 17 years and disciplined athlete who is dedicated to helping you achieve your best self.

  5. Monthly Self-Improvement Trainings: Deepen your understanding of your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors to create a solidified purpose that keeps you consistent in your workouts.

Why This Program Works

It works because YOU work! You’re done talking. You’re DOING…the exercise, the internal work and showing up on the calls and participating. You’re making decisions based on your commitment to consistency in your workouts and not just how you feel this time. We focus on sustainable habits, introspection and solidifying your WHY so you can maintain your progress long after the 90 days are over.

Meet Your Accountability Coach

I'm Trynette Lariba, The Curvy Fit RN, who challenges society’s fitness bs that says that skinny=healthy, weight loss is the only goal of workouts, and that dieting is king. I embody curvy fitness and lead other curvy women to become disciplined in fitness and unapologetic about who they are. I'm honored to guide you on this journey. As a curvy strong and fit woman, mom and RN, I understand the unique challenges we face.

  • I live and breathe accountability. It’s my natural gift and calling

  • I speak to the greatness in you

  • I’m the friend that everyone says, “Don’t tell Trynette what you’re planning to do cause she’ll hold you to it”

  • I call you out on the excuses that are sabotaging your progress. I’m straightforward yet loving

  • I practice what I preach. For me, fitness discipline is non-negotiable

  • When it comes to accountability, I’m like Beyonce’s song Ego….”I talk like this cause I can back it up”

You’re Ready to Say Yes If:

  • You’re ready to commit to yourself

  • You’re no longer accepting excuses

  • You’re ready to show up for yourself and exercise every time you say you will

  • You don’t just wanna to look good for your age, you wanna feel good

  • You wanna back it up and drop it like it’s hot without your knees giving out on you

  • You know that trying new things sometimes feels uncomfortable, but you’re gonna do it anyway

  • You’re ready for exercising to be a non-negotiable part of your life

  • You know how deeply you want a legacy of health and wellness

  • You take your leadership and power of influence seriously and want to be an example

Join Become StrongHER: Beat Your Fitness Goals, 90-Day Fitness Accountability Group Coaching. It is time to take care of the body that allows you to do what you want to do. Trynette facilitates a safe, loving environment to share your goals and be yourself. You will become part of a curvy sisterhood that uplifts, motivates, and celebrates you.

Ingrid Hall speaking about the type of environment that Curvy Fit Chicks creates for women

Sign Up Today

Become StrongHER: Beat Your Fitness Goals starts July 11. Join now and take the first step towards a stronger, healthier, more confident you. You are worth it. You’re not just any woman. You are a masterpiece. Honor your temple and be consistent in your workouts not just for these 90 days, but for life. Join now. “IT IS TIME. REMEMBER WHO YOU ARE”.


Investment Cost


This includes:

  1. Initial assessment with Trynette to discuss goals, challenges to reaching them, and a plan to get them accomplished. Link to schedule will be emailed within 72hrs after payment

  2. Two Zoom coaching calls for 90mins each to discuss what you have done, reassess and make adjustments when necessary

  3. Exclusive community of women with shared goals

  4. Monthly self-improvement trainings

  5. Weekly inspiration