How to Exercise Consistently: 5 Curvy Fit Tips for the Curvy Plus Size Woman

Hey Curvyfitsis! I know that being a curvy plus size woman who has decided to get curvy fit and exercise can sometimes feel overwhelming. I can remember about 9 years ago when I had dropped off the wagon and needed to get back in shape. OMG… I remember I knew it was time cause I couldn’t go up one flight of stairs without feeling winded. I would try to play it off and hoped no one would try to talk to me until I caught my breath lol! I got tired easily. I couldn’t stand too long without shifting my weight from one side of my body to the other. You know how it is! Putting on strappy heels was out of the question cause I could barely maneuver around all the fat and get the buckle in without a sweat. I’d get so frustrated. I can go on and on. But I digress…

My point is simply that I understand the thoughts that run through your mind. The thing is, I validate it, but I come to shut it down. Enough with the inner talk. It’s time to get to business. No more excuses. No procrastinating. Guess what… I’m STILL a curvy plus size woman; however, I’m now a Curvy Fit Athlete! So, I know how to move from wishing for it, wanting it, to working it out.

Here are 5 tips to get you moving and fit:

#1 Challenge Yourself

  • Always push yourself to do the maximum in your training

  • You will continually get stronger, faster and fitter

  • Reaching for perfection is a good thing because you work hard to attain the best in form and fitness

  • Compete with yourself

  • Stretch yourself to get the results you desire

  • Personal development is a part of the process. It builds discipline, focus and perseverance in you

  • Sign up for a marathon or an obstacle course


#2 Wear appropriate Curvy Fitness Wear

  • The right attire gives better support for your curves

  • Your performance improves in the right fitness attire. Less bouncing and feeling attacked by your own curvy fat

  • When you dress cute, you feel good and do more

  • Your clothes reflect your confidence

    Story time: When I first started rehabbing from the accident in January 2017, I used to wear whatever I could find to the workouts. I didn’t think much about it. I really didn’t care. I saw other people in cute outfits and I was thinking, why in the world would anybody spend money on that stuff when we’re both out here accomplishing the same goals?! It wasn’t until more than a year or so went by that I started thinking about and purchasing new curvy fit attire. I was more conscious about my curvy workout gear and how I looked. Why?

    1) I was no longer hiding. I wanted to be visible.

    2) I knew that better workout attire was both functional and fun to wear.

    3) I understood that it wasn’t just about me, but also about other curvy women who would be inspired to become a curvy athlete like myself.

#3 Join a Supportive Community

  • You’ll feel empowered to accomplish more curvy fitness goals

  • You’re apt to try new, more challenging exercises

  • Increases your confidence in your abilities

  • You are safe to be authentic and free to do your best with no fear of judgement

  • Iron sharpens iron and you continue to become the best because you are in the presence of the best

#4 Hire the Right Professional

Everyone is not qualified to work with the curvy community due to their own limiting beliefs about what constitutes fitness. Therefore, it is important that you vet any professional that you choose to work with on your curvy fitness journey. Do not be afraid to ask questions and for referrals.

The right professional will…

  • Assess your curvy fitness needs

  • Customize a holistic plan just for you

  • Give you honest feedback

  • Provide guidance that will help you avoid and/or greatly reduce risk for injuries

  • Answer your questions and provide solution(s) specific to your issues or concerns

    Side note: Have you ever gone to the Dr and was told you have a diagnosis or pre-diagnosis of something? Did they give you a generic handout with info, tips and dietary guidelines to supposedly improve said issue? Did you leave still confused on how this would truly solve your issue because it didn’t take into account any of your unique characteristics? Be sure that you deal with the right professionals who cater to your needs.

#5 Have a Strategy

  • Know your goals

  • Create an actionable plan

  • Solicit the help of the right professionals such as The Curvy Fit RN to support your goals

  • Evaluate what is working and areas for improvement on a regular basis

Bonus: Celebrate Your Wins

  • Clap for yourself

  • Builds your confidence

  • Gives you motivation to do more

  • Good to take notice of your progress with the Ultimate Health and Fitness Tracker

  • Slow down and appreciate the transformations taking place

Remember that you are the only one who can decide to change you. You have the power to rewrite your story. It has taken a lot of mental, spiritual and physical work to get to where I am. It is in no way easy to transform, but it is completely doable. Becoming consistent becomes easier when you have made the commitment. Living the curvy fit lifestyle is A#1 for me! It must be your priority to activate your curves to preserve your life. Every Curvy Fit Chick has experienced the struggle, but wakes up daily fighting for her freedom through fitness. You can do it too! Now get to your curvy workout!